Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Big Secret to Making Money Online

My new ebook, The Big Secret To Making Money Online, has recently been released. Prior to this release, I allowed several individuals to use the advice in this guide to offer me their opinions of it. Everyone was amazed at how straightforward and easy it is to make money online.

Other guides talk about using Adsense, Adwords, or affiliate programs to make fortunes. That's simply not really true any more. Although it is possible for some sites to make money with these, you really have to have well established websites and fairly large budgets to really get anywhere. Adsense is only good on sites with a ton of traffic, and even then, why should you be directing your visitors to your competitor's websites? Websites made just for Adsense are jokes, as who wants to go to a site JUST to see Adsense links - they'll leave in a second. And if you try getting those pages ranked in search engines, you probably know by now that it's nearly impossible.

As for Adwords, it's a great way for some sites to make money, but it's not like you can be an affiliate of anything and make money off of it. If it really was that easy, then why wouldn't the original website owner or product owner do Adwords just himself? They would theoretically make more, as they wouldn't have to pay you commission. The reason they don't do it is because they'll pay too much in advertising costs for it to be profitable. That's why they get others to do it for them by offering 50% commission (more or less). It entices you to advertise their product even without a website. They end up getting free traffic and a few extra sales, whereas you end up getting only a cut of the profits and have all of your advertising costs. Most people find that they actually end up losing more money than they make!

Even using Clickbank and other sites where you can easily sign up to be an affiliate aren't always that profitable. They key here is getting traffic to your site to advertise your offer(s). Don't get me wrong, as some larger sites can make a lot of money with such techniques, but I know that the majority of people that come to me don't have a huge site or a huge budget.

That's why I'm selling my new ebook. It creates zero competition for me, but it's a great way for you to make instant cash and for me to profit a little on the side as well. I use this technique to make thousands, and I know that it works. However, I'm tapping only 1/1,000,000,000,000 of what I potentially could, which is why no one will ever be in competition. It would be impossible for anyone (even an entire huge company) to tap much at all. You don't need to. Even tapping what I do makes me thousands upon thousands of dollars.

You won't be a millionnaire overnight, but you will learn how to start making a great second income and potentially turn that into your primary income once you follow my guide and learn the strings. It's so easy!

I'll show you how you don't have to spend a dime to make hundreds of dollars. In fact, even if you do end up using a budget to try to increase your profits even more, you'll be spending a few bucks for every hundred or so dollars that you take in.

I can't explain too much more, as this is really a great technique that very few people know about. No other guide that I know of talks about this.

I'm selling a handful of copies to the public (as long as they promise NOT to tell anyone the secret) at www.iwantpennies.com, so grab yours today.

As always, I stand by my products 100%. If you aren't completely satisfied, just ask for a refund and I'll be more than happy to provide you with one. Unlike other sites and guides, I'm more than happy to personally respond to any of my visitors in a prompt manner. Feel free to drop me an e-mail at info@iwantpennies.com to tell me a bit about yourself and I'd be more than happy to see how I can help you.


Anonymous Doc Jakson said...

Hello Brian,
I just received your package today..my lovely wife gave me an early Christmas present.Wow...fantastic amount of material, thats for sure. I haven't cracked the book yet..sort of savoring the "looking forward to it" if you know what I mean. I am already impressed however that youoffer help to the buyers..that's unique in the Internet marketing world, and a refreshing change.
I look forward to reading and putting your materials into action after the holiday season is past.
In the meantime, I wish you and yours a joyous and prosperous Holiday Season and as always,

All the best,

1:12 PM  
Blogger Brian K. said...

Hello Doc,

I definitely am glad to hear about your excitement, and I look forward to hearing from you after you read it. I think that the free one-on-one help is definitely one of the easier ways to get on the right track.

Hope to hear from you soon!


5:41 PM  

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