Friday, September 28, 2007

TalkStream Review -- Free Trial

You absolutely need to check out this awesome new site launched by the people who created GetResponse:

Check out TalkStream now!

TalkStream allows you to easily create audio, video, and other special effects for your websites. It even gives you your own toll free number!

On top of that, it allows you to do some AMAZING video effects with incredible ease (including the special effect seen on the sales page with the lady talking). I've spent hours doing some of the things that this can do in a matter of minutes, and ironically, this site does a much better job of that.


To make it even better, they're offering a free trial for you to test it out. I know you'll love it, as I do, and it's very rare that I find products that I absolutely love. It's also at a super low price that we all rarely see these days.

Click to check out these amazing special effects now

By the way, if you don't have an autoresponder account yet, you definitely should check out GetResponse for an excellent autoresponder (these are the same people who made this new site)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Are you worthless?

Of course you aren't! However, in the eyes of potential business partners, you might be unless you take the proper steps to be worth something to them. I've seen so many people thinking that the key to their success is partnering with the right people. This is partially true -- having the right partners can skyrocket your business. It doesn't matter if it's for a JV partner or some joint project you want to work on. Put the right people together, and you can have some killer combinations that will have everyone profiting more.

The one mistake I see people doing is approaching potential partners but not offering anything in return. They'll ask them to promote this or that, or they'll say "hey, I have this killer idea that I think you should make and market -- want to team up?" Keep in mind that most of the partners you're trying to seek probably get tons of offers -- you have to stand out to even have a chance.

And even more so, if you have nothing to offer, you're essentially worthless to them. The key to success is being worth something to them. Everyone can be -- you just have to realize that and take the necessary steps to do so.

Perhaps instead of saying "I have a killer idea -- want to make it and market it for me?" create the product, website, etc. and THEN approach them and say "I have this killer product ready to go, and I thought you'd be a perfect match up to market it for a 50/50 cut -- interested?"

Or if you're approaching some other professional to team up on a job (like a programmer or copywriter), you could say "listen, I have this killer product idea with the website ready to go -- I just need the thing programmed, interested in a 50/50 cut?"

All of a sudden, you have something worthwhile to them -- a killer idea, a site ready to go, potential marketing partners lined up, etc.

So before you approach someone with a potential partnership, make sure that you're worth something first. :)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

IMAgainstPoverty Charity Launch -- Awesome deal

As you know, I'm not like most marketers who promote every product or launch out there. I only promote the best and ones that I feel truly add a lot of value to you. As you know, you won't find a lot of products I recommend from my reviews, but this is different.

I would never want to recommend something that wasn't of true value to you, as I'd risk losing you as a reader to my blog here. However, I was approached by a good friend of mine and asked to promote a huge bundle of internet marketing products with a catch -- all proceeds will go to charity.

Specifically, it's to help people in the poorest of the poor countries. When we think of poor, we think of not being able to afford the next bill. When I say "poorest of the poor," I'm talking about people who are at risk of dying from not having enough food.

Normally, I'd ramble on about how great this package is (it really is), but I think that the cause for this is far more important.

Please take a few minutes and watch the video, see what they have to offer, and consider taking them up on the deal. My affiliate link is provided, but I won't even be making a penny promoting this (it's used just to track the referrals to show during a live demonstration how marketers can make money online, but in this case, it's all going to charity).

To make it even better, if you buy through the link, please e-mail me here for a surprise bonus (trust me, this is worth FAR more than you'd think).

To your success,


P.S. I'm calling this the "charity week," as by random chance, I was approached by another respected marketer to promote a project where all the proceeds are going to help kids with heart defects. I'd love it if this list could sponsor one surgery! More details on that shortly...

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Ready for Halo 3? Some awesome marketing opportunities and examples

Although I'm a fan of the Halo series, I thought I'd point out some huge opportunities and a lesson we all can easily work into our online marketing that applies to far more than just Halo...

Prior to any big launch and immediately afterwards (regardless if it's a new product, game, etc.), there will ALWAYS be a TON of searches done for related information on that particular product. However, until shortly after they're officially launched, you won't find many websites being ranked for some of those related terms.

This leaves a wide open gap for those who plan a bit ahead of time. If you get ranked well for terms right before they're searched a ton, you'll be in good positioning in the first few days of the launch and can get some amazing traffic from it. Shortly after the launch, it can get much more competitive to rank for those same terms, but at least you can take advantage of the most popular days with ease.

From there, you just monetize your site accordingly and wait for the traffic to come.

For those who don't believe in how powerful this trick can be, I did some searches for terms related to Halo 3 that people will most likely be searching for almost immediately after it launches. I found that some decent keyword terms had well under ten results (some even none at all). Any one of us could walk right in and get a #1 ranking virtually within hours to even minutes. And I'm using Halo 3 as an example because it is a VERY popular game that is being markreted very well and creating a lot of buzz, yet there are even still tons of wide open opportunities with it.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Why you need Joint Ventures, and how JV Submitter fills that need

Joint ventures, where you get affiliates to promote your products for you, can be a huge part to any online business. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and say that 99% of the top gurus out there wouldn't be where they are today if it wasn't for them being able to joint venture with others. It's that powerful.

Now I hope that you know this, and I hopefully don't have to convince you why having someone with a list in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands promoting your product can help you, but I do know that you're probably wondering how you can do the same.

You can't simply just e-mail them hoping that they'll fall in love with your product and be an affiliate of yours. Most get dozens to even hundreds of offers a day, and most of those are pure spam, so they ignore the majority of them. Even more so, you might not even know who to e-mail!

That's why I filled that void with JV Submitter, where big name gurus have agreed to personally look over your JV offers in our bi-monthly newsletter that goes straight to their personal inboxes.

Every single guru that will receive that newsletter has agreed to personally read your offers, which is a huge opportunity all by itself.

One particular guru has a list of over 300,000 loyal subscribers and is known as being the #1 super affiliate in the world. Imagine what he might be able to do for your business if you presented him with a good offer?

And now consider the fact that we have tons of the top gurus receiving this newsletter. If just one of them takes you up on a JV offer, you could become a success virtually overnight.

Now members of JV Submitter will get far more than just being able to submit their JV offers in our bi-monthly newsletter to the gurus. They'll also be able to participate in our forums, network with one another, create tons of JV offers and other joint projects amongst themselves, and be able to participate in a variety of special events we'll have planned just for members of JV Submitter. You'll even be able to get notices of future launches way ahead of time so you can prepare ahead to get a jumpstart that can skyrocket your earnings even more.

I don't care what niche you're in or whether you have a new ebook or script -- you can benefit from partnering with other like-minded marketers.

You'll find that the subscription fees are very cheap for what they offer (similar services that just have a forum without delivering offers to their inboxes charge several times that each month), and JV Submitter offers much more than anything that even comes close to it. In fact, JV Submitter is the first of its kind in many ways.

This really is a no brainer. This isn't some over-hyped product that won't do you any good. This is a real service that benefits everyone. Don't miss out on this great opportunity!