Saturday, September 08, 2007

Ready for Halo 3? Some awesome marketing opportunities and examples

Although I'm a fan of the Halo series, I thought I'd point out some huge opportunities and a lesson we all can easily work into our online marketing that applies to far more than just Halo...

Prior to any big launch and immediately afterwards (regardless if it's a new product, game, etc.), there will ALWAYS be a TON of searches done for related information on that particular product. However, until shortly after they're officially launched, you won't find many websites being ranked for some of those related terms.

This leaves a wide open gap for those who plan a bit ahead of time. If you get ranked well for terms right before they're searched a ton, you'll be in good positioning in the first few days of the launch and can get some amazing traffic from it. Shortly after the launch, it can get much more competitive to rank for those same terms, but at least you can take advantage of the most popular days with ease.

From there, you just monetize your site accordingly and wait for the traffic to come.

For those who don't believe in how powerful this trick can be, I did some searches for terms related to Halo 3 that people will most likely be searching for almost immediately after it launches. I found that some decent keyword terms had well under ten results (some even none at all). Any one of us could walk right in and get a #1 ranking virtually within hours to even minutes. And I'm using Halo 3 as an example because it is a VERY popular game that is being markreted very well and creating a lot of buzz, yet there are even still tons of wide open opportunities with it.


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