Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Offline Marketing Opportunities

I always try to look for more internet marketing opportunities. Anyone who knows me knows that I have my hands in A LOT of stuff. I have tons of different projects, sites, etc. covering a wide range of topics.

I often talk about how searching online forums, checking out other products, and just browsing the internet in general can help give people new ideas, see needs, see wants, etc.

However, despite how I do dabble in offline stuff here and there, I'm now going to think A LOT more about offline needs, wants, etc. and how I can fulfill them. I recently sat back and went through an entire day thinking of all the useful things that could be made offline from basic marketing consulting to cool scripts and so forth. The ideas didn't stop flowing, and now I'm much more motivated to focus more on this.

I've witnessed first hand how powerful looking offline can be for your business, and I highly suggest you do the same. I know I'll be doing it alongside you a lot more.


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