Thursday, May 24, 2007

Following through

I've been in internet marketing long enough to notice several people rise up from the crowds to make a substantial income online, as well as people who fall back into that crowd desperately trying to make money but never really getting any where.

The difference isn't just a stroke of dumb luck (although some do get lucky now and then). The difference is that the successful marketers follow through and stick with their dream, while others give up the second things don't go right.

Failure is a fact of life that will happen over and over again. The smart marketer learns from failure and comes out with an improved idea in hopes of eventually hitting it right, and if you stick to it, you will eventually get it right. From there, it's just a matter of duplicating your results.

One thing that has really bothered me is when I see someone get upset with how they just can't seem to make any money within the first few hours of trying something. They try blaming everything and everyone except themselves. They then move on to the next "big idea" and never follow through on anything.

The ironic thing is that often times, the reasons that they aren't making any money is usually just one or two easy fixes that if they just asked for help on or researched a little, they would have probably been able to profit nicely off of. Even customers of my popular marketing guide, The Big Secret, who don't get it right the first time and contact me, I can usually fix their problems within minutes -- they usually forget to do this or that, and it's very easy for me to help them.

So my point is this -- if you want to succeed at anything, you need to stick with it and follow through. Don't jump from one project to the next in hopes of making a quick buck and giving up if you don't, as you'll never learn that way. It's a simple lesson, but not many people listen to it.


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