Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Are you thinking of the wrong ways to make money online?

I know that many of you are looking to make money online. In fact, I'm guessing that if you're reading this blog, you probably almost certainly are at least interested in making money.

Having said that, I bet that many of you have tried making money online. Some of you may have had some success with it, but I'd be willing to bet that many of you haven't been having the best of luck with it. Well, today might be your lucky day, so read the rest of this post!

I've noticed that the most desperate people to make money online are usually the ones that fail at it. I don't think many people take the time to actually think about how they'll make money online. I'm sure that many of us are guilty of forking over $50 or even $100 or more to buy guides that claim to be all plug-n-chug methods to making thousands the second you read their guide. Others are guilty of buying pre-made Adsense sites that claim you only have to put the site up to start earning thousands.

There's one thing that I've especially noticed -- people who e-mail me asking for advice will always have links to health products or money schemes in their links. I'm sure some have told you to advertise your affiliate programs all over. Well, they're wrong. It can actually hurt your image and make you look desperate if you do such things, especially when you're e-mailing friends and family. Now, if you're doing business e-mails, by all means, have those on the bottom of your e-mails. But for personal e-mails or when you're just asking questions, it can really turn people off.

Others will take it a step further and advertise their own websites that talk about how to make thousands or millions of dollars, yet they'll be asking me how to make a single sale because they haven't been having any success. Does something seem wrong with this picture? I think so.

Now, it's not your fault, and it's not their fault. They've just been taught the wrong way to go about making money online. Many of the "big" marketing gurus don't really know how to bring riches to every-day-people -- they only know how to scam you out of $100 or so dollars (and sometimes even get you to be happy that they scammed you).

Please listen to my piece of advice here: Erase your thoughts and teachings! As Yoda once said, you must unlearn what you have learned.

Just think creatively for a few minutes. Don't spend $50 or $100 dollars on the next big thing. Instead, just take five minutes to think of how you can really make money online and I can almost guarantee you that you'll have more success.

Adwords not working out because it's too expensive? Did a "guru" tell you to stick to it because if you get just one sale, you could make a few hundred dollars and earn back the hundreds you've already spent? STOP! Think for five minutes like I said.

If someone wants what you're promoting, where might they be instead of on search engines? Where can you reach them?

Perhaps they're likely to be on certain niche forums? Or perhaps they might be searching for stuff on Ebay? There are dozens of other places they might be, but the point is that you need to think about it. What would you do if you were in their shoes right now?

If you think they might be in forums, then find those forums and start posting. Add a simple signature link to your site and you just advertised your services for free! Just be sure to add some valuable posts instead of just spam.

If you think some might be searching Ebay, why not sell a cheap ebook for $0.01 to $0.99 tops on that topic (if you actually know stuff about it -- if not, learn about your niche first). But wait, you might think that you'll be losing money here, right? Not really. It's a small price to pay for a targeted lead. If you can go about this the right way, you can sell your ebook which will talk about your affiliate products that they're looking for.

If you provide valuable insight as to which might be best for them, or the ups and downs of each one (such as reviews), you all of a sudden are getting free advertising that could bring you big bucks for less than the cost of one click on Adwords in a competitive niche. Just think of the possibilities here! Think of how much money you could make just by being creative!

Right now, I can literally think of a dozen different ways of going about the same thing with spending little to no money. There are too many ideas for me to write down, but perhaps I'll make a list for a later blog post here. In the meantime, I encourage you to just think about how you want to go about making money online. Think about what has worked and what hasn't.

And most of all, think about where your potential customers might be right this very minute and how you can reach them! Now that's the key to making money online.


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