Thursday, December 28, 2006

Why you are not making any money

Okay, maybe some of you are making plenty of money online, but I bet that a good portion of you aren't. I also bet that I know why most people aren't making any money online. Simply put, you probably aren't REALLY doing anything about it.

People can buy guides left and right, but it's taking action that matters. You can have a million dollar idea in front of you and not do anything about it, and you'll make nothing. There's no guide or technique out there that doesn't require ANY work. I think that my latest guide on "The Big Secret" is very easy and doesn't require much work at all, but it still requires a little work and some action on your part.

Everyone is guilty of not taking action at times. I couldn't tell you how many times someone has told me that they want to make money online and have been trying for years, yet they aren't able to even create a free blog and know next to nothing on websites (even though they desperately want to). Well, guess what? I self-taught myself just about everything. It's not too hard, but you do have to take action and dive in.

You can even try free website tools to test the waters, or get a cheap web host at a few dollars a month to play around with a website and start learning. After you learn that, you can learn to get visitors and so forth. But you do need to start somewhere. Just reading guides and not taking action will get you nowhere.

Let me tell you a story of a very intelligent friend I know -- he's a great programmer with tons of ideas. Years and years ago, he created a cool program that does a ton of SEO work for websites. It worked very well and was better than anything even close to it. A few years after he made it, a tool came out that wasn't even close to as good as his tool that he had already been using for years.

Well, guess what happened? The new tool was marketed really well and became a very popular tool. I bet it took in over a million dollars in the first year alone (possibly several times that). My friend's tool was a lot better, but he never bothered to market it or make it user-friendly for others.

When I pointed this out to him, he stood back for a minute and was just like "wow." He then went on to talk about several other programs he had made in the past. About half of them had similar versions that were being sold and were quite successful. He could have made hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars quite easily, but he never took action to market it.

Since then, I've taught him to focus a bit and even have him on board with me for creating some new tools in the near future. But the point is that he missed out on some big opportunities. In his case, he already made the tool, which is taking a little action, but he failed to even think (or care) to market it.

I suspect that many of you are guilty of doing the same thing. Just taking action can go a long way. If I can teach you to do that, I bet it'll be worth more than any guide out there!


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