Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Be realistic and you will make money and get great products

One common trait I see in people failing online (and spending way more than they should) is with having too high of expectations -- not only with their own projects, but when buying tools as well.

Being realistic is the key to success. If you have plans for a great new product, how realistic is it that it will sell for what you want it to sell for? How realistic is it that you'll be able to get enough traffic? It doesn't just pop up out of nowhere. How easily can it be done on your budget? Can you even afford it?

If you're looking to buy a new tool, what are your expectations of it? Have you read any reviews on it (real reviews, not affiliates trying to make a quick sale and offer nothing but praise)? Do you really need it? Is it realistically going to help you?

And lastly, there's no such thing as a quick button to success. You can't buy a $100/month service that automatically makes "spam-like" webpages expecting to make hundreds of thousands from it. True success does require some work. There are plenty of tools that can help you along the way, but you have to be realistic about it all.

If you think you need a new research tool to help with something you need, great! But don't expect that you don't need to do at least some work on your own.

Something that I find funny is that you often see two types of people in internet marketing -- those who think that everything can be automated (like spam pages) for quick success and those who think that everything needs to be done the long and hard way. The truth is that there's a happy medium.

You can buy tools that will automate some parts of your business and make your life much easier, but the most successful businesses and websites do require at least some work. If you go into the market realizing this, you'll save a small fortune on bogus tools that make big claims with little to back them up.

You also won't jump from one "big thing" to the next "big thing," as you have to realize that success does take work. You're only setting yourself up for failure if you have too high of expectations. When you set your expectations right, you'll find a much clearer path.

I hope my rant has helped some of you -- hopefully saved some of you some money as well. I have some interesting products that I'm currently reviewing that do just this -- automate SOME parts of the harder work but still require work on your end. I'll give you more on that later!


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