Sunday, January 14, 2007

A new look on buying and selling domain names

I've seen a lot of interest in buying domain names lately. Not only has that industry boomed over the years (it was a lot easier in the past), but I've seen several posts on a few forums regarding buying/selling domain names on here in the past few weeks.

I think that some people think that they can easily find a $7 domain name that they can resell for hundreds of thousands of dollars, which isn't likely to happen. There are those who do this for a living, but they definitely know what they are doing, have money to invest, and so forth.

However, I think that there's a much easier and immediate benefit if you really want to go about this business, and this way is a bit easier than others might think.

Instead of looking for domains that get thousands upon thousands of visitors, why not look for a few that are related to your site with a few backlinks that get only a few visitors each day? Then just redirect it to your site. Even 1 to 5 visitors a day isn't bad for some niches.

If you have a niche that Adwords can be a bit expensive for, 1 to 5 visitors a day could be saving you $5 or more a day. When you multiply those few visitors each day by the number of days in a year, you get anywhere from 365 to 1825 visitors. All of a sudden that $7 investment isn't all that bad.

I think that some people think so big where it's much harder to succeed that they miss out on some of the easier opportunities.


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